Josephine Falls - one of the best rainforest swimming pools in North Queensland
Anothr brilliant rainforest experience for you after visiting The Boulders. Continue south from Babinda and take the first right about 1km past Mirriwinni. Isn't that a lovely name?
Follow the road for 10km - the parking area for Josephine Falls is at the end of the road.
Mt Bartle Frere (1622m or 5321') looming above you is the highest mountain in Queensland. The track to the top begins here. The 600m walk through the rainforest to Josephine Falls is easy and not slippery because it is sealed all the way. It is almost like entering another world. It is always warm and damp. The atmosphere, the smell of humous and the sounds of birds and insects completely envelope you. Mosses and lichens grow on the granite boulders and there are delicate ferns everywhere.
Ferns & mosses cover every surface
Delicate fungi help recycle fallen logs
After 10 minutes or so you will hear the the falls before coming to the steps down to the main swimming pool below the falls. You can also continue a little further along the upper path to the viewing platform overlooking the falls and the upper swimming hole.
Steps down to the Josephine jungle pools
The upper swimming pool at Josephine Falls
Josephine Creek is fed from a 5000' mountain. The creek can rise a couple of metres in minutes if it starts raining so always be aware of the weather conditions. It might only be a soft rain at the bottom but it may be pouring up the mountain.
It is best to stop swimming and gather your things off the rocks if it starts raining. Many people have had to be rescued because they have become trapped on the far side of the creek by rising waters.
Josephine Falls in the wet season
The creek becomes a dangerous raging torrent very quickly when it rains
If ou have time on the way back, take the first right signed to Golden Hole (on the Russell River). We used to swim here a lot and it was a favourite with our children for jumping off a bough about 6m above the creek.
There have been reported crocodile sightings so we are more cautious now. There is a nice sandy beach and a great picnic area on the lawn above the creek with a lovely view of Mt Bartle Frere.
We had two birthday partys here for our twins and a load of their friends and didn't manage to lose any of them!
Golden Hole picnic lawn & view of Broken Nose (on Mt Bartle Frere)
Golden Hole
Russell River looking downstream to Golden Hole
Bartle Frere walking trail map More info about Bartle Frere walk